Wednesday, November 16, 2011


my mum just rang and things arent so good at home
i have a really sick dad
really sick

his sickness isnt really that bad, but my dad plays the victim and demands sympathy from everyone
yes we know he has slowly degenerated over the years and im sure its horrible feeling yourself decline slowly into a vegetable, but my poor mum is not coping well anymore
she has been his sole carer for 3-4 years now and he is slowly making my mum really sick herself

it makes me really angry listening to the stupid shit that happens at home
the 'silent treatment' he gives my mother
the hard time he puts her through
even though she does everything for him [literally wipes his ass and more]

unfortunately my dad is a really sick bitter person
he has not accepted his situation and is pretty much angry at everyone
for how he is today
he cannot find peace or comfort from family
he cannot find peace or comfort from religion

i cant wait until he moves on
because it would make life a lot more easier for everyone
but that is such a horrible thing to say as well

its hard to talk to him
because he doesnt want to talk
my dad just shuts up like a clam and wants everyone to read his mind
and do what he wants
seriously its like talking to a brick wall but worse
and the bad part is
when he does talk, he has a lot of difficulty talking
he can barely speak english [my preferred tongue]
and when he talks it is hard for him to pronounce his words [they slur]
it puts him into a coughing fit and effects his breathing

sigh.... what ever he has ... its horrible... really horrible.. it robs you of your life
but it takes it away from you so slowly and so painfully

my dad is the not the dad i know and remember when i was younger
which is the saddest part
dad was always a good guy, strict, tough but fair
i want to remember him always in the good days

not the bitter horrible person he is today that treats my mum like shit
god its depressing
its no wonder i dont like going home much
its too depressing and too much effort
but i guess as the good dutiful daughter i have to

i guess you cope and just do your best
what else?


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