Monday, January 3, 2011

2011 resolutions

Wow another year has passed and here we are again,
i have been thinking a lot about the resolutions i made last year
and i am quite happy with what i had achieved last year

i will probably stick to the same resolutions because there is definitely room for improvement

1. i will not procrastinate. just get the stupid thing done, as soon as possible.
i'm still really bad at this and my motto this year will be JUST F********* DO IT!

2. spend less on material things. woooo boy this is a tough one... (did i mention i have a bad shopping habit?)
still really hard to do... i still have a bad shopping obsession
its all about control and i need to say to myself

3. put more money into my savings account or put more money into my mortage.
(2 mortgages to pay off... daaaaaaaay-em!)
definitely need to do this,
i will be making a conscientious effort to put money into my savings account every month.
i am also going to make a huge effort to pay off my mortgages
now that i have 3 [eeek!]

4. walk my dogs more often. more exercise for me = fitness = lose weight (i hope)
i am keeping this one, i did do a good job of walking them quite regularly last year and i want to do the same thing this year

5. mark kids school work asap - don't be lazy, giving back work to them one month later is NOT good enough.
i am proud to say i did a much better job of this last year
its a good feeling to get the stuff marked and giving feedback to the kids as soon as possible
keeping this resolution again - i can only get better right?

6. eat more healthy and eat less! (small portion sizes)
ok... i am keeping this one

7. be MORE organised...
proud to say i got much better at this last yr
but still heaps of rooms for improvement
[btw BEST investment of 2010 was my filing cabinet and my dymo label maker]

8. stop WASTING time .... be more efficient
keeping this one too

9. put home and family as number 1 and work number 2 (i find this really hard to do!)
keeping this one.... i am getting a little better at the home/work life balance thing
but still heaps of room for improvement

10. some new resolution for 2011
declutter declutter declutter
i am in the process of streamlining my stuff
and getting rid of stuff i don't need or wear anymore
[ i just need to declutter my partner's stuff too!]

11. pay off my debts and credit cards - GRRRRRR

12. last but not least ... hopefully fall pregnant and start my own little family

well those are my most important resolutions.... heres a few more - but they are more of a to do list...

10. put a full length mirror near the front entrance (i've always wanted a full length mirror)
proud to say i have done this and i love it! so useful :o)

11. change the carpet in the bedrooms to wooden floors
still to do - hopefully this year

12. change the spare bedroom into a walk-in closet :o)
still to do ...really hope its this year

13. install the last set of blinds in the games room (morning sun reflection on tv is NOT good)

thats it for now... i don't think i can handle any more ... but they were the most important ones i could think of.

what are your resolutions?.....

ps: happy new year everyone!
may the coming year be filled with prosperity,
joy and friends!

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