Sunday, January 30, 2011

2011 Perth Cup

The Perth Cup is a pretty huge event here in Perth,
but, something i must admit i have never been to.
It's a huge racing day where girls get all dressed up in their finest and get all fancy with
fascinators and stuff. The boys also make an effort to look just as good as the ladies.

Miss S was getting married and they organised a hens party at the Perth Cup.
The party was very well organised by Miss N and fellow bridesmaids, lots of great finger food,
good company and innocent party games ...hehehe

The Perth Cup is great fun for people watching and checking out what people are wearing.
There were some stunning outfits that day and i should have taken their photos!
Oh well... i guess i'd be too shy to ask

So here's photos of me and Miss A who is a fellow teacher

Me again with Miss S, the bride to be!

review dress
grey belt - indonesia
flower fascinator - diva


Leni said...

Babess.. u looked gorgeous n sweet!!! :))

miss clio said...

thanks hun, you always look hot ;)