Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Grilled seafood Jimbaran beach

The best place to eat seafood in Bali has to be Jimbaran. Along Jimbaram beach, there's a long row of barbeque seafood restaurants, that are pretty much identical in menu and price. The special for this area is the fresh grilled seafood, everything is seasoned and marinated the same way. So it really doesn't matter which restaurant you end up in, it's all going to taste the same.

The bali/jimabaran seasoning is combination of chilli, tomatos, onions, garlic and other herbs, they grind it up into a paste and spread it generously all over the seafood before it's grilled over a coal fire.

It is absolutely delicious and not that spicey at all.. but you definitely have to use your hands!

Above is our extra side order of yabbies in jimbaran sauce... very yummy, but yabbies dont have a lot of meat. booo...

Above is our seafood platter with pipis, fish, squid, prawns, tuna, scallops with a side of chips and sambal kang kong. As yummy as it was, this meal did not come cheap... it ended up being about aud $80-$100.

ps: sorry for the confusing fonts... i could not change the first font... still haven't got used to blogger yet.. hehehe...

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