Thursday, October 23, 2008

my herb garden

i have grown a green thumb lately, really getting into the herbs, pulling out the evil weeds and doing something i have never ever done before!

this is a very short tour around my herb garden - if you can even call it that?!!
this is the first time i have kept green things alive longer then 4 weeks!
i might even be able to eat/use some of these babies in some of my cooking in the future.

first up is my mint bush/plant/tree - this little one is the one thriving the most in the garden, cant wait to make vietnamese spring rolls with these guys.

my lemon grass collection - we had to get more lemon grass because the dogs kept eating/demolishing these in the back yard.

this is my vietnamese mint or laksa leaf plant - it smells divine but i have no idea what to do with this! i bought this because the vendor said "mint" and i said why not? i can see some little buggers are having a meal out of my plant! i'll have to "sort them out" .

last but not least, is my little coriander plant and "little" it surely is. this plant is tiny and i have been taking extra care of it - trying to make it grow and bush up a bit.
But instead of growing bigger and bushier, my plant has decided to flower instead - ugh... its probably going to die now!

how did i get interested in gardening? (what ? no more designer hand bags?) well it all started from an old asian vendor at canning vale markets selling super cheap herbs, 3 pots for $5 - me and mr s thought we'd try to grow our own herbs.


1 comment:

Miss Lotus said...

they look great! will have to put picks of my herb garden up...well corner. It's all potted since I live in an apartment! lol