Tuesday, January 16, 2007

random blogs

and so i got bored at work today... and you know how good i am at entertaining myself :o)
i never stay bored for very long, because theres always lots of things for me to do, and it is absolutly amazing how the smallest things will keep me entertained ie. animal planet, martha stewart living, cooking shows, shopping, window shopping, checking random crap on ebay, trimming pookys fur (totally feral at the moment) etc etc.

totally boggles mr s. mind, because he on the other hand gets bored very easily and needs to be near a tv or computer to stop being bored.

so anyways i kept clicking away on "random blog" button and new and exciting blog sites showed up! Some interesting blogs i saw...
  • gay/porn blog site - some guy kept posting piccies of hot guys in various stages of nudity. very amusing but did not stay long. do not want my internet access denied.
  • architect drawing website - it was all in spanish, did not understand a word (mi casa tu casa?) lots of very pretty apartment building drawings - good random stuff
  • joeapology - very interesting website! post your apologies anonymously and get that burden off your chest. like a confessional a la church style, but no religiously ties or anything. some very sad and interesting stuff. may have to use it one day... www.joeapology.blogspot.com
  • passionateater - another good blog site totally dedicated to eating out good food in san fran. this is a site for miss divine! the pictures of the food look so good it makes people drool and very bad on a empty stomach - so look at your own risk! www.passionateeater.blogspot.com

some random stuff i want to share with friends and fans ;oP

ok now that i have this blog site up and running.. i have some questions

1. How much space/memory do i have? is it part of my google/gmail space? or totally separate

2. How do i check on people who have been visiting my site? where are the footprints? im nosey i like to know :o)

ciao for now

(ps. watched apocolypto last nite, twas quite good)

1 comment:

Bobby Griffin said...

Hi Grigor,

Since you mentioned random blogs, I thought you might be interested in my Random Blog Button. It's kinda like Blogger's button, except I have filtered out all the porn and other nasties!

To address some of your other questions. You have unlimited space on your blog (within reason). If you start uploading thousands of photos everyday and posting thousands of useless posts, they'll shut you down. But during normal use, you don't have to ever worry about running out.

To check your visitors, you need to install a statistics program. My favorite is Statcounter. They have a free, easy to install, invisible stat counter that will tell you everything you ever wanna know about your visitors.

I hope that helps! Please consider checking out my blog and joining in the randomness yourself!