Wednesday, June 6, 2012

packing for travel

OMG!!! we are leaving for jakarta tomorrow night and i'm still half packed! i like travelling but i dont like packing, packing for 1 [which is me, myself and i] is bad enough but holy mother $%^& packing for yourself and a baby is freakin hard! not only do you have to remember all the crap both of you need when you travel but you have to remember to pack 'appropriately' for a plane trip too [so that ur comfortable enough and so is bubs!]

the other thing that makes it hard is that you're moving from cold to humid climate and making sure you are going to be comfortable before during and after the trip - FML! [ coz i have to think of bubs too]

i seriously have no strategy, im going stupid thinking about it - i prolly will lose sleep over it too :( like i have sleep to lose..

i have consulted a number of website on this matter, they are helping - at least it gives me a good reality check of what i need and not to over do it

wish my husband would be more useful then just saying - 'ooo im freaking out - i hope H is going to be good on the plane' - my strategy for that? stick a boob in her mouth until she falls asleep. well thats my plan

its everything else thats worrying me -- argh!!!

even packing clothes is a bloody pain in the ass , still have a bunch of weight to lose before i can fit into my pre baby clothes - they sit there mocking me - my wardrobe is seriously limited to stuff that stretches around my tummy and tops that dont make my already enormous boobs even bigger - bloody hell...

well i hope all goes well..i shall pray to the travelling gods - to have mercy on me and have a happy and safe flight/travels.

i hope this trip is worth it


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