Sunday, January 3, 2010

dear diary....

now that i have a bit more time.. i find myself blogging a bit more then usual.. and now that i have my sexy new lap top .. i find any excuse to work on it.. heheh...

well today is another extreeeeemely hot day in the perth summer - max of 38 degrees! yuck yuck yuck... the poor doggies came inside the house for a bit of air conditioning relief. they are spoilt little buggers.

i went to school earlier this morning. i'm still cleaning up and organising my 'new' classroom. it's taking me forever and it's so dusty and disorganised right now - all i want to do is just turn away from it. but there is just so much to do!! argh... i dont even want to bring my mum around to help me clean up, it just wouldn't be fair. i'm not even moving a house, but i can just imagine how much i would hate doing it. i really can't believe how much crap i have, not only that i have also 'inherited' all the year 7 books and stuff. not only do we have year 6 stuff to organise but somehow manage to fit in all the yr 7 reading, math and text books. i dont even know if i make sense or not. im just whiney and whingy at the moment.

i still have the classroom store room to organise - SIGH...

did i also mention that a stupid cockroach crawled across my feet today!! in the classroom - urgh! it's so gross! i killed 3 cockroaches today, 1 outside my room and 2 inside - ewww...
my buddy teacher says that you should never step on a cockroach directly with the shoe/footwear you are wearing because the cockroach guts will get stuck to the sole of your shoe and turn into maggots. then the maggots will spread to where ever your shoe has been.
i've never heard of this before, but i do hate maggots and they totally gross me out...
has anyone heard of this before? is it true?

anyways... i'm going to do some work now :) cleaning, filing and general errands... the holidays are never that relaxing...

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