Saturday, February 10, 2007

jakarta under water

as most of you may or may not have heard, jakarta is under water again. this time its much worse then the flood of '02 - '04 ??? pls dont quote me on it - honestly i dont know :o).

my mother in law calls every2-3 days keeping us up to date with the latest details and happenings of the flood. according to her its pretty bad, one of the major shopping centres near her house has been flooded bad (water levels around your knees - its like garden city being flooded- something impossible for me to imagine). this didnt happen in the other flood, so shes pretty much stranded at home. luckily her house is in a good location, and its not flooded, but everywhere else near her house is.
some people enjoying the extra water activities

very deep thigh high water (look how brown the water is!!)

what do you eat if there is a bird flu problem, limited food, clean water and electricity? instant noodles of course, by the trolley full. scenes from the super market.....

the news said that 3/4 jakarta city is under water, with many peoples homes, businesses and belongings desroyed and damaged by the floods. what angers a lot of the people (rich and poor) is that the government does so little to help their own people. How come the government didnt do anything to rectify the problem from the last floods? have they not learned their lesson? unfortunatly in indonesia like many other 3rd world countries, there are too many greedy people who are too busy exploiting the countries resources and pocketing all the money for their own personal benefit. no one gives a shit about the environment or the future of the country/people. its really sad....things need to change ....

ill get off the soap box now

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