Wednesday, March 19, 2008

when things go bad....

while browsing for 2nd hand designer goodies on ebay...
as you do....
i came across this....
the first time i innocently grazed my eyes over the lovely LV babies they were fine...
but then i did a double take... going WOT THE FUCK???!!!

at first i thought the pics were innocent enough.. but when you really look into them... shes wearing a neglige!!! with head lights ON! helooo ?!!! this is an ebay photo! not porn!!!

and at a closer look shes wearing very sheer neglige which shoes the undies under neath....

when did ebay become the venue for 15 secs of porno fame?
or maybe this is a new selling strategy on ebay... we all know sex sells! so why not ebay? and why not high end 2nd hand designer goodies...

maybe i need to try this ... and my final prices might end up higher....

and get a cult following going? then i'll get a higher readership from my blog. :P

tell me what you think..

theres a 3rd photo that goes with this... but i cant seem to upload it.... but i think 2 is enough ... the third i will leave to your imagination ... lets just say... the third photo ... confirms all your suspicions of the above and reveals too much info :o)

ooooo i do love the lilac bag.... i have a very SOFT spot for lilac LV's of long ago...

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