Tuesday, August 28, 2007

puppy fever

so its been a VERYYYY long time since the last puppy post - whats happened you say? heheh ... a lot!! the puppies and mother have been kicked out of our garage and now currently run a muck with the rest of the gang in the back yard. So now we have 3 puppies and 3 dogs running around freely in the back garden. (simons mum not impressed). the puppies are loving the GREAT outdoors and sleep, eat, shit with the rest of the adult dogs. life is sweet when you're a pup. The pups will be 6 weeks old this thursday!! (time flies when you have too much fun with puppies !! ) and they are growing up really quickly. i still remember them crying and whining all night wanting to suckle on their mothers teat. So here are the latest piccies.

this is our beautiful girl Hermione/ Yoshi - and now officially called "Tenshi" by her new owners. Shes the luckist pup of them all - we know shes going home to a really good family, who will love and spoil her to death. Best part is - we get to watch her grow up. One of our really really really good friends is going to give her a home.

the cheeky fella above is our handsome "Bear" - this little puppy is a riot! he sleeps on his back and rolls around all night. He has the most gorgeous markings and the sweetest personality. Me and simon are sooo tempted to keep him - even though it means getting rid of his "dad" in the background. hehehe

This is "bear" again.... ' arent i just adorable?' ... the puppies are sooo cute, you cant help yourself stare at them when they are sleeping. All you want to do is grab them, cuddle them and take them to bed! And for anyone out there who is interested - Bear is still available! Asking price $500.00 - but we only want him to go to a good home. so be prepared for an interrogation!

And this handsome beast is "Boo" he is the "black sheep" of the bunch - but he is a gorgeous little fella. We just sold him on the weekend - to a very lucky couple from Albany. We are going to miss this little guy when he goes.

So speaking of puppies and having too many dogs to handle... simon has decided to add another puppy to our pack . Are we crazy? , are we fucking nuts ? - umm yes. ... hehe its part of simon's lofty plans of becoming a dog breeder for when we retire. mmmm right.... its about 40 yrs away!. So we have fleas in our brains ... and we eat too much raw hide and dog fur - but meet our newest member of the family....

Yes - we got another basset hound. :o). why? i have fallen in love with bassets, they are such beautiful beautiful dogs!! i love them, more then malamutes and samoyeds? - yes :o) but dont tell pooky, he doesnt need to know. but he will figure it out when there are more bassets around then artic breed dogs. So whats this little guy's name? officially he is "Harry Potter" but we will probably call him "Harry Boo Potter" - i have a thing for calling dog's boo.

This is the puppies on their first "grass outing" kawaiiiii! the terrible trio
So a big lick, kiss and cuddles from the puppies and clio. muah!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

the checklist....

1. 1 super duper behaviour problem kid with ADHD - check

2. a handful of emotionally unstable kids - check check check

3. major bullying problems in class - CHECK

4. stealing from the teacher - CHECK CHECK CHECK

5. a really bad day at school? - YES :o(

oh and dont forget 2 ink stains on your beautiful new balenciage - check *cries*


Sunday, August 19, 2007

recent aquisitions

i have bought meself an A3 laminating machine and i LOVES it.
Just ask Simon, he knows i have been laminating all sorts of "unmentionables" in the dining room. :o)

Well unfortunately i have to put a stop to my laminating business - because i ran out of plastic pouches. ARGHH.... how annoying!! i cant believe i didnt steal *cough* ah hem... *take* enough damn plastic pouches from the place i was working in subi! [God bless their souls, i loved working in the subi hagemeyer office - it was stationary heaven ] Now i only have A3 size pouches and i need to do A4 laminating. Sighzz.... looks like i'll have to buy my own damn plastic pouches. i guess its all tax deductible.


Monday, August 13, 2007

the scary facts of life

learnt something new about myself recently...

  • my once "loose" pants + becoming my fitted "tight" pants = the need to exercise more
  • my amazing collection of capri pants that i had spent big $$ on have now become too tight and scarily obselete. :o(
  • so now i have to exercise a SHIT load more and lose freakin 5kgs. GRRR
  • Its easier to type + say then to do... SIGH

i guess spring is coming and i really need to get my ass crackin'


a serious lack of mobile phones

my mum has gone back to indonesia for a little family gathering, celebrations & festivities ... which i have not been fortunate enough to attend (due to serious lack of funds + unable to afford to take days off work)

so when my mummy heads off overseas... she decides she needs to take her mobile phone (the crap motorola she lent me) back to indonesia with her. grrr... sigh...

because mummy dearest could not possibly live in indonesia without being contactable. her crap motorola is the only phone she has that is not networked locked - and able to roam overseas.

and so here i am totally mobile phone less and completely uncontactable! it is quite liberating - but also worrying because i cant really run a "tutor" business *cough cough* or be a relied teacher when i am not contactable!

and so here i am in this horrible position of "needing" to buy a mobile phone - when i dont really want to, especially when my contract finishes next Jan 08, and i am entitled to a new phone then. no i dont want a "new" contract, i dont want to "pay" for another phone - all i want is a freebie + get on with my life.... without having to pay a cent.

so here is my plea
any mobile phone companies, business entrepreneurs or totally loaded people - please kindly donate a nice newish sony ericsson mobile phone my way :o). i will shamelessly promote your products/services on my very small blog readership. i will also shamelessly promote and drop subliminal messages into class lessons across all grades that i teach. ** Remember relationship marketing - you start them young & small ** i was once a marketing student - i know what i am doing. :o)

if all else fails - i will beg
Please PUH LEEEESEEEE pretty pleasseeee donate money, cash or mobile phone to miss clio. if you want to donate by paypal - please forward you payments to yata@iinet.net.au. (my paypal account got cancelled - damn paypal assholes)
if you want to donate a phone - please contact me via comments + messages - we can arrange for stuff *wink wink*

** and just for your information ~ Sony ericsson preferred ~ nokia is ok - but i wont accept the rest**


Thursday, August 9, 2007

general update...

as you can tell i resisted the urge to buy all those yummy goodies from my previous ebay handbag blog. i do have a sensible head on my shoulders and i dont fall for every thing my ditsy heart desires.

however i do have another weakness.. that many people are not aware of... and something i have developed while teaching .. so its a relatively new thing.....

i am absolutely weak when it comes to teacher supply shops... *DROOLS*

the brand spanking new math text books, pristine white pages of exercises books, endless pages of grammer, comprehension, spelling and science books.


A wall dedicated to stamps, stickers and merit cetificates. I am in stationary heaven. When i saw scratch and sniff stickers - i knew i had to buy them! how could i resist? They smell sooo good you wish they were candy :o).
At least i know im the the right job, when the teacher gets excited about stickers as much as the kids do (or even more sometimes!!) The best part is - its all tax deductible !! so it makes it hard for me to "rationalise" when i hit the teacher supply store.
Ah well, im building up my resources bit by bit. And yes i'm putting the breadmaker as a tax deductible expense. i use it for school purposes only *cough cough*
lotsa luv.clio
ps: i have started private tuition too!! i only have 1 student so far, but its going really good. extra money is always handy.

Friday, August 3, 2007

the joy of getting paid...

this week i got a VERY nice surprise in my bank account!! i got paid (a nice big one too - something i am very unaccustomed too) !! i havent got paid since the school holidays and jesus it was such a sweet relief. Because in good ol' WA - July & August is rates and water month! which means serious bills. FAR out the number of bills that came in this month means serious financial leakage.

i am very tempted to write down the list of bills i have to pay ... but its just too depressing.
and so i have learnt a new truth in life

