Thursday, January 21, 2010

more KL food

Come to dinner time and we were hungry for local stuff. This is when the hotel concierge recommended us to Jalan Alor. Food stalls galore, full of surprising and wonderful snacks.
On our walkabouts we came across this "deng deng" stall. As indonesians we call it "deng deng", which is pork mince pounded into flat sheets, mixed in with an assortment of herbs, spices, and sugar. Then its lighlty grilled to give it a wonderful sweet smoky aroma. We didn't end up buying any tonight, but was tempted to because it's not something you can have everyday back in Australia. What was so fascinating about the above picture is the "bacon dengdeng" - i think it was basically bacon treated in the same herb and spice mix then grilled - this i had never seen before. The other side was just normal "dengdeng"

This is a picture of Jalan Alor, packed to the sides with food stalls, people and tables. See how the car just squeezes in? people and food rule here.

Our very yummy black pepper mud crab. We were definitely licking every part of our fingers and crab shells to savour the flavours...

our yummy kung po beef claypot - servings were rather small so it was easy for us to finish everything.

our disappointing chicken satay. meat was dry and the sauce was bland and runny (fail!)

because we're on holidays, hubby and i turn into little pigs. on the way home we came across a super market and it had JACKFRUIT! i love LOVE jackfruit. jackfruit smoothies, ice cream, bubble tea, from the can and fresh - sooo good! This bundle of yellow goodness was about aud$3.00 but worth every penny. each fruit was super sweet and delicious, i could not stop eating them.

our other midnight snack was a crispy popiah from a local chain in KL. it was sooo good and hit the spot even though our bellies were full. what makes it crispy is the crunchy bits inside - as part of the filling of the wrapper skin. definitely a must try when you go to KL.

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