Tuesday, August 18, 2009

shakin' and bakin'

i have really caught the baking bug and i cant seem to stop using the oven.

i have also discovered the joy of puff pastry....its soo good, we always eat everything before i get the chance to take a photo of it. i'll try to remember one of these days.

here's some baking projects i've done over the last couple of weekends.

doggie garlic flea biscuits.

the infamous neiman marcus cookie.. sorry no finished products... we ate them all up.
they were just too good.

chewy anzac biscuits... these were DAMN good.

zuchini n cheese muffins
these are really good and really healthy because they have zuchini in them.
i find all my recipes online ... you can find the links here
chewy anzac cookies:
zucchini n cheese muffins:
i put these in muffin tins instead of a slice.

im off to eat more cookies!


1 comment:

Starwolfgang said...

Yum Yum! Are you actually making the puff pastry? Cambodia has a distinct lack of it in the shops and I suck at making pastry - it's Jo-Ann's domain to do baking.