Monday, January 29, 2007

its a small small world.....

perth as we know it is an extremely small town. this whole damn city gets even smaller when your an asian. i went to pearls and michaels wedding recently and saw someone i havent seen for a long time and someone i didnt particularly want to see either.

i bet you guys want to know who i saw huh? allan .... lim, toh, lee ..... what ever his surname was. i bet now your saying ... who the fah????? hehe ... allan is the brother in law of sylvia sumant (i) ... my mortal enemy/arch nemises. what ever you call it.

when i saw him at the church i was so shocked - i had to wipe the startled look off my face. coz when i saw them i was thinking - how the fudge did they get invited here? and was secretly hoping they wouldnt show up at the lunch or the reception afterwards. well they werent at the lunch but they were at the reception.

AND at the reception - allan had the nerve to come up to us ( me and mr s) and say hi, how are you going?!!! wot the fuck?!!!! the last time i saw this guy we left on VERY NASTY terms. and how did he have the guts to come up to us so casually and enquire how things were. me being me, replied politely while mr s grunted and stared at shoes. i swear mr s was boiling inside - coz he cant stand allan, especially after the deli incident. so quickly after that mr s went home, didnt want to be anywhere near allan.

the funny thing is, i have moved on since that whole deli diasaster, and i have quite happily lived a simple life, keeping a very low profile and stayed far away from the indonesian community. so far its worked quite well, because i have only seen sylvia once or twice the most in the last 2 yrs, lanny maybe once or twice as well and allan at the wedding. but honestly if i did see these people in public, i just want to pretend they are complete strangers to me, i would prefer to cross the street and pretend complete ignorance or turn around and hide till they pass by. maybe im childish, maybe i'm avoiding confrontation, meh i dont care, its less stress in my life and i prefer to exist in complete ignorance.

so wanna know how allan got invited to pearl + michaels wedding? hes the new silent business partner for michael in his latest business venture?!!! OMFG - wot a seriously tiny world (perth) we live in?!!. michael is in charge of marketing and selling the software - allan just writes the program. 6 degrees of separation? HAH ... more like 2 or maybe 1 - oh its a tiny tiny TINY world we live in.

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